Monday, August 3, 2015

Children of Nepal

~Power Ranger Fun~

~A Magical Flying Sandel~

~Sand Dune Monsters~

~Musical Pipes~

The children of Nepal constantly reminds me that I got to keep on going and working hard to help Humanity. They are the ones that give me my strength and always remind me to keep my inner motivation! Just one look, one smile, one embrace refuels me and reminds me of why I started down this path in the first place. Thank you children! Please keep on fighting and keep on smiling through the rough times! The world is complicated and filled with challenges, but you got all the strength inside each and everyone of you! I will always be fighting for your freedom, your safety, your right to be loved, your overall well-being. Thank you for your purity in looking at the world! You are my forever teachers in more ways than you know!

"When doing any task, have the innocence of a child, the endurance of a camel, and the courage of a lion" ~Dharma Master Cheng Yen~

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