Today is the last immediate disaster relief distribution! We distributed a total of 189 army style tents to the residents of Maheswari Camp! This is where Tzu Chi started their first relief distribution and it is just as appropriate that we end our last immediate relief distribution here! And boy did we get a huge surprise from the residents!!!!!
I took some time to gather my thoughts! It was really quite nice to just sit on a couple of bricks and just ponder on everything that was happening in front of me. There were a lot of noises, but everything got quiet and slowed down when I started to write! It's been three weeks since I've stepped foot in Nepal. Oh how fast the time has passed by! 9 distributions later, here we are! The people here know my name, know where I come from, know how long I am staying, and know that I love and care about them like my own family! What a blessing! I feel overwhelmed with gratefulness!
Helping the residents carry their tents!
The residents gave us the surprise of our lives! It was so touching how much effort and planning was spent in preparing this super special surprise ceremony for us! They wanted to thank us for everything we have done for them over the last two months and everything they prepared for us were with the greatest honor and respect in the Nepali culture.
They made us flower necklaces (Mala)! So thoughtful! Each flower and leaf was specifically hand tied with the string. Every single detail about today's ceremony touched my heart deeply.
The management team there prepared hand-sown Dhaka Topis for us!!! How incredibly honored we are! That must have taken them forever to prepare ahead of time. You can really see just how thoughtful and how much heart went into all of today's surprise ceremony.
The women at the camp also prepared traditional Nepali yogurt, called Juju Dhau, which literally means "King of Yogurt" in Newari. This is one of the most famous specialities from Bhaktapur area. Juju Dhau is a sweetened custard-like yogurt that is a very important part of all festivities and celebrations, because many Nepalese people believe that yogurt brings good luck. That is why you can always find a fresh container of yogurt ready to be consumed for any important events all around Nepal. Normally, cow's milk is used to make regular yogurt, but in traditionally methods, fresh buffalo milk (bhaisi) is used for the Juju Dhau. This gives it a richer taste and texture.
The actual process in making the Juju Dhau: boil milk, add sugar, mix in culture, and pour the mixture into a natural red clay pot (maato ko kataaro). It is then placed in a warm area on a bed of paddy husks (the papery covering of rice grains) and covered with another red clay pot on top. Afterwards, it is wrapped in several thick cotton blankets to maintain the warm temperature as the yogurt sets. Due to the porous nature of the clay pots, the excess liquid from the yogurt will slowly evaporate and the end result is a delicious, textured and creamy yogurt.
In Nepal, for many festivities and celebrations, the tikka is widely used. Tikka is a mixture of abir, a red powder, yoghurt, and grains of rice. It becomes like a thick red powder that is applied with the thumb, in a single upward stroke, in the middle forehead region. This is also a sign of respect and thanks from the Nepalese people.
All tikka-tastic!!!!!!!
Thank you so much for lunch Ravi! You are the best and your wife is the best cook ever! I have been getting my daily dosage of Dal Bhat Tarkari (Cooked Lentil Soup + Rice + Mixed Vegetables) thanks to Ravi!!!! I am one of the luckiest girls ever! In Nepal, they eat with their hands for meals, and it totally made me feel right at home! Eating with my hands brings me back to my days in Ethiopia! It really is incredible how everything in life comes full circle! There are no words to describe the emotions that have been happening within my heart throughout this trip. The people that I have met and the relationships that I have built! It has been insane! Every little detail about every moment is precious to me, I am cherishing everything! Absolutely everything! Thank you world!
Green = Regular garbage can in Nepal
Red = Recyclable goods in Nepal
Red + Green = ??????
Dr. Nirdesh and I were fooling around! Some lighthearted moments! He is such a goof ball! So grateful that a few of us got to know the "real" Dr. Nirdesh! haha. You crack me up so much! Thank you so much for always being there for a good laugh! Laughter therapy works wonders!
Surprise Nepali Party.......CHECKED!