The special day is finally here!!!!! Today was the hand over ceremony for the 7 semi-temporary shelters built for the 60 nuns that were rescued by helicopters from their collapsed temple up in the mountains (Bigu, Dolakha). It has been a little over two weeks that the cash-for-work crew has been working hard at making today possible! Let's start the festivities!
Look how beautiful the place is?
All the prayer flags that are hung everywhere just make it such a blissful feeling!
The Anis (nuns) are hard at work in preparation of lunch for all the participants!
Look at all the fresh veggies!!!
Thanks to the land owner for letting our cash-for-work program use this main building during these two weeks of non-stop construction work.
Everyone is getting ready for the big entrance for the hand over ceremony!
Entrance for the ceremony!
Photo gallery of the Anis' old temple!
Many Anis cried upon seeing the photos. Memories of the earthquake were still very fresh in their minds. We hope that in some small way our seven semi-temporary shelters can bring them some peace of mind in the following months.
There are two layers of land for the layout. On the bottom layer, there stands three shelters, while on the top layer, there stands four shelters. On the divider, there are tons of Buddhists flags lined up in a row. With all the bright colors, the place really comes alive with joy and happiness.
My boys from Chuchepati made it for the ceremony! I am so thankful for them. For their hard work and dedication in these past few weeks! They are part of the team of cash-for-work seeds!
Future teachers for the many shelters and schools to come!
"Sincerity, Integrity, Trust, and Honesty"
These are the four qualities that we must always keep in our minds!
All the cash-for-work participants that made today possible! Super grateful for all y'all!
I took a moment to myself and just thought about how wonderful these affinities are that we've made today! It has been only two weeks, but everyone's relationship and compassion has been built that much stronger. It really is amazing to see all of these young people working day and night for their own country and for their own people. It's so heartwarming to know that a simple kind thought has spiraled into a chain of life-changing events that took place. It's undeniable that the earthquake on April 25th took away lives and the Anis' home, but it also brought them down to the valley area and gave the chance for Tzu Chi to build them new semi-temporary homes. Something positive came out of an event that was devastating for many. This is the Tzu Chi spirit and this is Buddhism in Action. This is what Tzu Chi is here for in Nepal, to inspire more compassion out of people, and at the same time, help them grow more wisdom to reach their ultimate spiritual cultivation potential.
My heart is calling out to you Nepal! Can you hear me???
This is the best practice of Tzu Chi spirit. You witnessed all of these happened!