Thursday, July 16, 2015

Push Push Push!!!!

This is how our day started this morning! Balram's car would not start, so out we went to PUSH PUSH AND PUSH! Gotta work off that breakfast somehow! 
This is how carpet and blankets are made in Nepal. They use a wooden stick to beat up the cotton pieces that goes on the inside of blankets and carpets! This young man was squatting there for about 3 hours just beating the living lights out of those thick cotton fillings. 
Moto Club reunited again! Fun times!
Lunch time! This dish is called Paratha with Vegetarian Curry! Paratha is a flatbread that originated in the north of the Indian Subcontinent. This is where wheat is gorwn and is the traditional staple of the area. Paratha is actually two words combined, parat + atta, which literally means "layers of cooked dough!" This has been one of my favorite foods in Nepal so far! The flatbread is not just a flatbread, but it has a potato filling in the middle! It is just the perfect mixture with the spicy vegetarian curry with each bite! Yummy!

These are the Emergency Room stretcher beds and wheel chairs! These are from private hospitals, so their quality is super great for Nepal! Look at how creative the Nepalese people are? This type of wheelchair is waterproof, light in weight, and easy to clean and disinfect! Not bad people, not bad at all! 

Dr. Nirdesh and I, doing a medical case review! This woman is 35 years old and works as a brick worker with her husband. About one year ago, there was a pain in her knee and during a check-up, she was diagnosed as having excessive uric acid. In the MRI done, there shows severe osteoarthritis of the hip joint, Avascular Necrosis (AVN) of the femur. The treatment plan is to have a total hip replacement surgery. We will bring all the learned information and further do a core team assessment to see if this is a doable case. 
These are the ER beds at the Madhyapur Hospital. This is a private hospital so the whole facility is in very good conditions and will be controlled as to not overcrowd the space. 

Every time the rain falls, the grounds become a giant mud playground everywhere! The roads going into the hospital has never been ideal, but adding the rain factor, it really becomes next to impossible to drive there. So it was not a huge surprise when the van got stuck in the mud! haha, we ended up tying a thick climbing rope onto an ambulance truck to try to pull our van out of the deeper mud pile. It wasn't working out very well, so we ended up having people pushing behind both cars to get our van out! It took about 15 minutes before our van was free! Oh the mud that got kicked up wasn't pretty!!!! 
Push in the morning and push at night! 
Oh monsoon season, so many surprises!

1 comment:

  1. I am glad that you love the Nepalese food. Pls have big meals everyday so you will have energy to PUSH, PUSH and PUSH!
