Sunday, July 12, 2015

Chuchepati + Budhanilkantha

Today was split into two portions: morning at Chuchepati and the afternoon at Budhanilkantha. 

IOM (International Organization for Migration) is the one in charge of constructing the fencing around the camp and also the drainage system. IOM is working closely with All Hands in the construction area. So many bamboos!!!!! 
Two new showers are in the works of building built!
10 new latrines (toilets) that is directly connected to the city's sewage system!

Water Missions International has provided a generator powered water filtering system. 
The drainage system consists of large ditches along side the camp areas. They are still in the progress of being built and finalized, but it does pose a giant safety issues for the people at the camp. For example, many small children have fallen into the large ditches when trying to cross to the other side. 

Had our very first meeting with all of the NGOs and INGOs that are working in the Chuchipati camp. It was a meeting that I had called following the alarming news of water quality at the camp. So today we got the actual testing samples of the water in the bladders....and the results are clear! E. COLI and FECAL MATTER!!!!! 

~ Budhanilkantha ~

Today the final touches for the semi-temporary shelters for the 60 nuns were in progress. New curtains!!!
Once again, Shrijana and I are in charge of getting the beds and furniture from the containers to the actual construction site. We found ourselves almost alone at the construction site because apparently today's cash for work program has all shifted to another school site. So it was us that were going to put everything in place in the shelters. 
8 multi-purpose beds in one semi-temporary shelter. Super comfy!!!

Mission accomplished!

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